From Java to the World

Bringing Javanese craftsmanship to the world of contemporary hospitality

Nyumbangake kerajinan Jawa marang donya.

MAU BUKA restoran atau cafe ?


MAU BUKA restoran atau cafe ? KONSULTASIKAN GRATIS !

bridging traditional crafts and modern lifestyle.

nyambungke kerajinan tradisional lan gaya urip modern.

Founded by a designer and hotelier and an FnB veteran Javarajin is a consultancy dedicated to helping you bring a bit of artisanal touch to your business.

We are dedicated to bringing the best of Indonesian craftsmanship and artistry to the world of hospitality and restaurants. With our network of more than 50 craftsmen, artists and workshops, we provide you with the best products at competitive prices.

Didirikan oleh seorang desainer dan hotelier serta seorang veteran FnB, Javarajin adalah konsultan yang berdedikasi untuk membantu Anda membawa sentuhan kerajinan tangan ke bisnis Anda.

Kami berdedikasi untuk membawa kerajinan dan seni terbaik Indonesia ke dunia perhotelan dan restoran. Dengan jaringan lebih dari 50 pengrajin, seniman, dan bengkel, kami menyediakan produk terbaik dengan harga yang kompetitif.


Javarajin brought our vision to life in ways we never imagined. Their expertise in selecting the perfect artwork and decor elements created an ambiance that is both chic and welcoming.

— Lauren

Javarajin designed and built a custom wall mural for our cafe, It is an unexpected touch that brough the place to life. Also we are able to do this on time an below budget !

— Pak Heru.

Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.